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Controluce (
www.controluce.it), ho il piacere di segnalarvi una nuova recensione del mio libro sulla Maratona
42.195: il problema non sono i 42 Km, ma gli ultimi 195 metri!.
La trovate al link:
www.controluce.it/notizie/42-195-il-problema-non-sono-i-42-km-ma-gli-ultimi-195-metri/Grazie in particolare ad
Armando Guidoni e alla redazione.
Buona lettura.
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Le ultime notizie relative a questo argomento
Nuovo percorso GPX: San Francesco Marathon (07/11/2023 - 10:43, letto 2658 volte)
Nuovo percorso GPX: EcoMaratona Pratese (10/10/2023 - 10:44, letto 3025 volte)
Nuovo percorso GPX: Lago del Salto Marathon (20/09/2023 - 10:17, letto 3368 volte)
Nuovo percorso GPX: Strasimeno Ultra-Marathon (02/04/2023 - 07:58, letto 4875 volte)
Nuovo percorso GPX: White Marble Marathon (24/02/2023 - 08:46, letto 4740 volte)
Tutte le notizie relative a questo argomento
BTS World is not your usual casual game when you first start playing the new BTS game. It's a visual novel game in which you'll be provided options and must make decisions. However, unlike other graphic novels, this will be a more realistic plot. This is due to the fact that BTS World did not employ caricature renditions of the members of BTS. That's correct, you'll see images and videos of the members of BTS themselves. BTS World will start with a text message inviting you to enter a competition to win tickets to a BTS concert. You will win the contest if you enter, and you will be able to attend the live show. However, something will happen while you're driving to the concert.
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